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národný socializmus/eng/

National socialism is not socialism. it’s neither left nor right. National socialism is nationalism in which the people who share one heritage and blood live in a pyramid shaped society in which ranks are based on individuals intelligence and innate qualities not money or anything else.  It’s the most natural shape of not just the human society but every social creature. It’s the very same as the wolf pack structure applied to the human society.  And the people live in that structure only because of their biological and psychological connection with each other. the State isn’t a center to concentrate all power in itself but it makes every single individual regardless of his rank powerful in his own place that he is in following his intelligence. And all of those powerful individuals then form the whole structure of the state which is a terrifying powerful center, a country in the form of a body that can live a simple life „independently“, Free of any need of any foreign power to live as a civilization.  „Nicht der Staat befiehlt uns, sondern wir befehlen dem Staate! Nicht der Staat hat uns geschaffen, sondern wir schaffen uns unseren Staat.“  Adolf Hitler was an Anti government himself who saw the manipulation of both the kingdom and the democracy of Germany. and that is where he step forward to break that structure of government. His movement was the movement of the nationalists against the manipulation of the government and his way was creating a unified connected people who can live healthy independent lives.  National socialism is the ultimate salvation of man as a State.  Actually without National socialism and if the people want to live scattered by themselves without feeling any connection and thinking they are „free“ because they live peacefully in a piece of land with their family the tyrants, the unwanted leeches on this planet will easily dominate a nation and will rule them with spreading that same false perception of individuality.  A nation a people who share the same blood will never have individuality if they aren’t willing to sacrifice a part of it for the greater individual which is the nation itself.  Barbarism is good when it’s actually operated in a civilized waay.

culturally. we’re talking about economics here. Culturally there is no right and left, there is an up and down. You either have a culture or are a whore to others. You are either up or down. This right and left is a way of playing with words, a way to twist the definitions to attract more low IQ westerners to cultural left.

Když bohové vyslyší volání: konzervativně revoluční potenciál black metalu


Black Metal: European roots & musical extremities. — London: Black Front Press, 2012. Autorka: Olena Semenjaka Národní univerzita „Kyjevsko-mohyljanská akademie“ I. Black metal: subkultura nebo kontrakultura? Metodologické základy šetření Black metal sdílí osud všech značně složitých a mnohostranných jevů, překračujících úzkou žánrovou identitu, a podobně jako [...]

Fu. .k the whorld-Operation WWolf


Prekariát – spoločenská trieda v utváraní


Prinášame rozhovor s britským ekonómom Guyom Standingom, ktorý vyšiel na A2larm. Guy Standing je členom vedenia organizácie BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network), autorom kníh The Precariat (2011) a A Precariat Charter (2014). V rozhovore predstavuje zmeny v sociálno-triednej štruktúre post-klasického kapitalizmu, prehlbovanie rozporov medzi kapitalizmom a občianskou spoločnosťou, čo [...]

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Ukrajina, Charkov

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..radšej zomrieť v tom triednom nerovnom boji divokom ako byť ekonomickým otrokom...

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