antichrist/eng nietzsche/


Wherever the Will to Power declines in any form, there is invariably also a physiological regression, decadence.


Suffering – A punishment for not knowing the truth. Truth = Cosmic Law. Not to take ones troubles to seriously for long, that is the sign of a strong and rich nature. Such a man simply shakes off with one shrug much vermin.
Existence is considered sacred enough to justify, even a tremendous suffering. The tragic man affirms even the harshest suffering:
He is sufficiently strong, rich and defying:
The Christian: he is sufficiently weak, poor and to suffer from life in any form.

To respond to stimulus is vital but the control and moderation of it is the progress of civilisation. Uncontrolled response is degenerate. Moderation of passion is the answer.

What is good? Everything that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power itself.
What is bad? Everything that is born out of weakness.
What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome?
Christianity has sided with all that is weak and base, with all failures. It has corrupted the reason even of those strongest in spirit, by teaching man to consider values of the spirit as something sinful, or as something that leads to error. Life itself is the instinct for growth and durability. Where power is lacking there is decline. Most supreme values of mankind lack this will. Nihilistic values are lording under the holiest names. Christianity is called the religion of pity. Wherever the will to power declines in any form, there is invariably also a physiological regression, decadence.

Když bohové vyslyší volání: konzervativně revoluční potenciál black metalu


Black Metal: European roots & musical extremities. — London: Black Front Press, 2012. Autorka: Olena Semenjaka Národní univerzita „Kyjevsko-mohyljanská akademie“ I. Black metal: subkultura nebo kontrakultura? Metodologické základy šetření Black metal sdílí osud všech značně složitých a mnohostranných jevů, překračujících úzkou žánrovou identitu, a podobně jako [...]

Fu. .k the whorld-Operation WWolf


Prekariát – spoločenská trieda v utváraní


Prinášame rozhovor s britským ekonómom Guyom Standingom, ktorý vyšiel na A2larm. Guy Standing je členom vedenia organizácie BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network), autorom kníh The Precariat (2011) a A Precariat Charter (2014). V rozhovore predstavuje zmeny v sociálno-triednej štruktúre post-klasického kapitalizmu, prehlbovanie rozporov medzi kapitalizmom a občianskou spoločnosťou, čo [...]

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..radšej zomrieť v tom triednom nerovnom boji divokom ako byť ekonomickým otrokom...

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