darkthrone vikernes lyrics
14. júla 2016 04:50,
Prečítané 783x,
black metal, hudba
Origin: Norway (Kolbotn)
Eight miles deep the well forgotten by mortals
Oh, I drank it empty in one single sip
Eight miles wide the valley beyond all hope
Oh, I filled the whole with one single fist
Five million shristians on a ride towards us
Oh, I slaughtered the bunch with one single hit with my spear
Five million women so alone in the night
Oh, I had them all satisfied profusely every night by myself
Ten thousand trolls hard as rock cold as ice
Oh, they ran when I rose to face them
Ten hungry waves they swallowed my ship
Oh, I steadily walked home and I only got wet on my feet
No single book were behelden by me
Oh, no question I cannot do answer
Only one single lamp do show me this way
And that is the eye of Satan
Varg Vikernes (Burzum) wrote the lyrics for this song.
Black Metal: European roots & musical extremities. — London: Black Front Press, 2012. Autorka: Olena Semenjaka Národní univerzita „Kyjevsko-mohyljanská akademie“ I. Black metal: subkultura nebo kontrakultura? Metodologické základy šetření Black metal sdílí osud všech značně složitých a mnohostranných jevů, překračujících úzkou žánrovou identitu, a podobně jako [...]
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