All beasts I let out. .. ..
7. februára 2017 19:32,
Prečítané 842x,
To burrow my way through death and flesh
All beasts I let out, ill buried untold
To lock my cage, unleash the fallen
Fear eyes contain, light in my soul
Feral snakes collide, burn in my skull
Freeing the circles, that night I saw a burial train
All thieves I bludgeon
From ice I burn, breathe astral plane
Grayed eye enclosed
Seer east is gone
From now on, farther on
I’m nailed to the crossroads, searching for the piece of me
That wasn’t mine, blood dripping from my hands
My end has seen the figure of my lightkeeper
Standing in the doorway
Read more: Neurosis – The Doorway Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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